My name is Eric and I was born and raised in Ravenna, a small town in the north east of Italy.
After high school I've decided to move to Rome and pursue my acting calling. I've attended the Rome Theatre Academy which taught me the sacrifice and effort in keeping your objective in front of you.
Then an unexpected crossroads appeared in front of me: I had an audition scheduled for an American film school and at the same time there was a snowstorm outside. First snowstorm that Rome had ever seen in years! I could have simply decided to cancel it but my curiosity pushed me out of the door and after a long walk in the snow I reached the audition...
and I lived in the US for 6 years!
For a long time the Big Apple was my home and I worked with amazing companies: I performed outdoor Shakespeare productions with the unstoppable Drilling Company, specialized my physical theatre skills with The American Mime Theatre, touring around the country with The Panto Company USA and many other memorable people who welcomed and embraced my diversity, offering me the opportunity to portray roles that broke language and ethnic barriers... throwing some Italian here and there!
I spent a year in the warm Los Angeles where I debuted as a playwright with my "Longing Pinocchio" a bizzarre re-telling of the classic Italian novel which critics called "an Odyssey in dreams" or "pure theatrical gold": not bad!
At the moment I am based back in Rome and I am excited to keep working internationally and exploring new possibilities ahead of me.
Thank you for visiting my website and I am looking forward to work together soon!

2010 - present
2010 - present